Final project.
The result of over a year in research and design.
Concept vehicle based on a technology developed in Denmark named R.U.F. (Rapid Urban Flexibility).
It is a small electric vehicle, designed to be driven as a regular car on public roads with the ability to mount on a monorail that charges the batteries while traveling at high speeds.

פורסם במגזין “את” 2004

Designing, planning and production project of creating a working coffee makineta

Bit Shell
Joint project with “Hed Arzi Music” and “Tower Records” to create a music listening device for in-store use.
The device consisted of a base station to charge the handheld device and to serve as an access point via bluetooth/wifi for streaming the music (not shown).
The handheld device took its form from a sea shell when pressed against the ear action.

The "Spies" Bench ("ספסל "המרגלים)
Joint project with the TLV City municipality as part of the renovetion of “Nahalat Binyamin” Pedestrian Mall.
The bench got it’s insparetion from the 12 Spies story in the Old Testament.

Solar Light
Solar garden light.
Form was to create to bland to the inviroment by using natural design insperation of mushroom and Grafting (a technique whereby tissues of plants are joined so as to continue their growth together)

Salt & Pepper Shakers
Salt & pepper shakers made from broom’s plastic hair.
The receptacles are hidden inside.
Inspired & tribute design for the Campana brothers.